Cron-stop® is a dietary supplement in the form of an herbal drink that cares for the mucous membranes of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine) and helps to restore their natural function.

The condition of the digestive system has a decisive influence on the creation of the body’s defenses and prolongs life. Due to its low energy value, it is very suitable for diabetics and people who are trying to reduce overweight.

The effectiveness and effect of Cron-stop® are given by the combination of individual types of herbs, their exact ratio and unique production process.

It is manufactured under license from a globally recognized invention that has a beneficial effect on diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, etc.

Cron-stop® helps even where others do not help. You will use this unique invention in diseases of the stomach, intestines and as a prevention in cancer.

Cron-stop® Vám zasíláme v krabicích vyrobených na míru

Krabice vyrobené na míru jsou z pevné, několikavrstvé lepenky s oddělujícími přepážkami.
Máme připravené dvě varianty o velikosti pro 6 a 12 kusů skleniček
Pokud si pořídíte jiný počet sklenic, nemusíte se obávat. Prázdné místo vyplníme balícím materiálem.